Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Egg Timer FLashcards

Egg Timer Flashcards

We are working on telling time to the hour, so to reenforce our learning AND get excited for the Spring I made these "Egg Timer" flashcards. They are super easy to make and a big help for the little ones when it comes to telling time to the hour. 

To begin with, I made some copies of of clocks. I just happened to find one on one of the kids' worksheets. I found some old giant pastel index cards. I used the backs of them since the backs don't have lines. I needed markers, scissors and a glue stick. Once I had everything together I cut out a large egg shape out of each of the 12 index cards. Then I cut each one in half in unique zig zag patterns. 

Next I outlined each egg shape's top and bottom with marker. Not necessary, I just do it to look a bit more eye-catching to the kiddies. 

On the top half of the egg I glued the clock and then assigned it a time. We have a teaching clock here at home that uses a red minute hand and a blue hour hand, so I used the same colors for this project to in order to be consistent. On the bottom half of the egg I just wrote the time that corresponded to what I drew on the top. 

Once I had a complete set, we were ready to practice. You can work with just 3 at a time, half the set or the whole thing. We stretched all the clocks out across the top of our workspace and picked one time at a time. Each child took a turn matching it to the correct clock. 

We have been getting excited about the Springtime and these pastel egg timer flashcards lend to that excitement, plus support learning to tell time.  Hope they work for you!  :)  

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