Friday, February 22, 2013

Farm Animal Flashcards (German Language)

Who's Your Momma?

(Wer ist deine Mutti?)

The little nuggets go to German Language class once a week. They have some talented and hard working teachers and learn so much in just one day a week. I try to take whatever their lessons were from their one day of class and stretch them out over the next week to help the kiddies review and practice. And to be honest, I usually learn quite a bit myself. 

This week my little ones learned about farm animals and how to name adult animals and their babies. Thinking about a way to supplement that lesson I remembered I had a set of farm animal cards that I purchased over a year ago and actually never used. I made some color copies, did a little cutting and pasting onto card stock and then separated the pairs uniquely to ensure the proper two would be reunited during play. 

I used:
  • photos of mother and baby animals
  • card stock (I used all one color but one way to support your young learners could be to set each pair on a different color card stock.) 
  • scissors
  • glue stick 
  • a marker for labeling

The beauty of this little project is you can change it to meet any needs. I am thinking about doing a small set with CVC words and matching pictures. 

Fair warning: I love to use card stock because it is heavier that construction paper but it is far from indestructible. If you really want to extend the life of these cards I would suggest laminating them or covering them with clear contact paper. I do not have a laminator (yet!) but I am more of the mind that these little projects serve a particular purpose. We will use these over the next few days, I will put them away. Then we will use them again next week... but then they will get tucked away for a while.  So I extend the life of something like this a bit. However, if I don't, eh, no biggie. Its worth it. 

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