Tuesday, August 20, 2013

D&R Canal, Kingston

D&R Canal, Kingston

Our days can be so busy, rushing to appointments, hustling though the grocery store, dropping by the post office, getting home to prep the next meal, making time for the baby's nap, the laundry, the housework....ugh. I saw a day full of that for me today. And I think I actually felt my soul cringe a little just thinking about it. Of course every one of those tasks are necessary and important. I usually feel a great sense of pride and satisfaction, even happiness, taking each one of those tasks on and caring for my family. But today had a bigger calling. I could look around the house and make a mental list of all the things I really needed to get to today, but some other part of my brain was saying, "No way. Just get outside." That other part of my brain knew that a good hike would be so, so good for my soul. We just had to do it. 

Right off of Route 27 on the Princeton and Kingston border in NJ, you will find a parking lot and trail head. This is part of the D&R Canal trail that goes from Kingston to Griggstown. It is an "Out and Back" linear trail, so the distance you hike out, will be the distance you hike back to return to your car. The entire distance is 5 miles one way, or 10 miles to walk back to your starting point. 

The trail is an easy hike and perfect for a stroller. The path is wide like you see here in some parts, but also become more narrow in other points along the trail. 

The walk along the canal is really peaceful and serene. It is beautiful to look at and the children were engaged by all the creatures we spotted. We startled a crane, unintentionally, at one point. He hurried into the middle of the canal and then took off into the sky. It was quite a sight and the olders were awestruck.  

Everyone really loved this trail. Every way we turned there was something to point out to each other. While looking close to the water, Big Sister caught sight of a very large black snake, a black rat snake is my best guess. The kids were in awe once again. We also found animal prints, lots of insects and an infinite number of beautiful butterflies. All of the kiddies were so excited by all the discoveries they made. 

We spent an hour and a half on this beautiful trail. We hiked out a little less than a mile and a half before we turned around to head back to our car. The time together sharing the sights and sounds while here were just what our souls were craving. 

Thank you for reading everyone! See you again soon. 

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